Aquí os dejamos en un vídeo resumen algunas de las 8 claves de SEO internacional que pudimos grabar de la ponencia de nuestro CEO, Carlos Bolívar. A continuación os contamos con detalle el desarrollo de estas jornadas.

El pasado 5 de abril, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones organizó la jornada Claves para el éxito en el Entorno Digital, dirigida a las empresas de todos los sectores y que contó con la participación de diversas empresas malagueñas de éxito y especializadas en el ámbito digital.

Carlos Bolívar, CEO y socio fundador de Nóvalo, fue invitado por el ICEX a abrir la jornada con la primera ponencia del día, Claves del Marketing digital y SEO internacional para 2018, con la que dio salida a una jornada que incluyó una interesante mesa redonda y rondas de preguntas y comentarios sobre cómo alcanzar el éxito en el ámbito digital.

As that is the very first time you’re attempting to compose a dissertation, then be sure to be clear about the things that you wish to cover. This is among the best approaches to avert a major headache later on.A dissertation is normally constituted of three parts, which must be kept in mind when writing your own essay from First, the name section. In this section, you want to add what the subject of one’s dissertation is and the way the subject matter is related to the topic of your essaywriting.

If you have not addressed this before, this can be a superb place to go over it and decide which announcement or ideas you would like to get around from the article.The second area of the dissertation consists of one’s thesis statements. While you research, you are going to observe that the majority of men and women go into detail about the idea they are going to publish about. Therefore, don’t add the description of the info needed inside the title and thesis announcement, as it is some thing which can be found out within an internet search. Alternatively, concentrate on what the material is related to the topic. Do not, however, include the long descriptions that you can normally include in your article.

Your third section is your bibliography. In fact, as that could be the most important reason you have submitted your essay, you may choose to think about putting the list into your bibliography so that it does not appear overly sparse. Remember to put your contact information in your own bibliography too.The remaining part of the note will depend on the period of your essay and your level of interest. For instance, if you are writing a research-based informative article, then it would probably be best to incorporate a bit paper writing more info about the research you conducted. When you begin writing your personal essay, you might find it a lot easier to stay within the outline of the theme of your dissertation, but only bear in mind that it should reflect the perspectives and thoughts of the student. So ensure the full article is your own personal.

Nuestro CEO hizo una introducción a conceptos fundamentales de Marketing digital, SEO internacional, Traducción + SEO, y otros factores de vital importancia para el posicionamiento y la internacionalización de un negocio digital, además de presentar uno de nuestros últimos casos prácticos y de éxito que hemos llevado a cabo desde Nóvalo: La Fábrica de Cerveza de Cruzcampo en el Soho de Málaga.

Estamos muy agradecidos a ICEX y muy contentos por el estupendo feedback de los numerosos asistentes, así como de compartir y aprender del resto de ponentes de la mesa redonda: Fernando Martín, Director de marketing y comunicación, AERTEC Solutions; Manuel Lara, Director de transformación digital y promoción turística, Turismo y Planificación Costa del Sol y Sergio Fuentes, Gerente, Maltessa Eyewear.